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How do you do, dear Visitor!

package QCSBS

Let me to acquaint you with a new, effective kind of earnings in the Internet - complete Russian version of a package Quick Cash Secret Banking System (QCSBS), transforming your computer in the machine tool, which always prints real money.

Spend 5 minutes and study contents of this page attentively. It will turn your notion about earnings in a network! And remember, all given figures ARE REAL. QCSBS is not a pyramid, not click of banner and not any other nonsense, bringing the income to only one man, who has made it. You will work only for yourself and definethe size of the incomes.

To be convinced of efficiency of a package and in my honesty, read clause " Easy money " in the Russian newspaper " Arguments and facts " №11 (1168) for March, 2003, page 9. The whole page is devoted to such way of earnings, as QCSBS. All figures of the possible incomes are also confirmed! The correspondent has tried even on himself, has earned more than 20.000 roubles for one month!

I offer you the most real earnings, other ways can’ t be! Begin to earn from 20 up to 50 dollars per day right now thanks to the package QCSBS. Only by me you can buy the real package QCSBS at a low price. Having read the description of a package on this page, you understand everything at once.

Get this unique project, due to which you can become a succeeding Internet - trader earning 600-1000 dollars monthly. All, what you need is to study the given package attentively and to follow strictly the advice and recommendations given in it. The good luck will not force to wait long for itself . Remember, that under лежачий a stone water does not flow.

Yours faithfully, Andrey Yelkin

Little about the Internet - Trading

The package opens secrets of job in the international market of currency operations – may be you have heard about such market. Simply speaking it is the job on an electronic stock exchange, on some convenient place, at home, for example, you need only PC and Internet. You have real chance to use the fastest, easiest technique of creation of riches, success and prosperity in the shortest terms, do not miss it.

Let me tell you about principles, on which this way of earnings is constructed.
The currency is important not only for local but also for the international markets. Due to inflation, deflation, governmental duties, governmental actions, political situation and economic tendencies cost of any currency can not remain constant. It changes: raises and falls each minute, hour, day and week! The trade in currency is a secret of getting of the income from cost of currencies with use of the tendencies of their increase or downturn.

Predicting increase or downturn of cost of world currencies, and staking on one of them against another, you can easily earn millions dollars! Citibank earns trillions of dollars each year on trade in currency. Jorge Soros (American financier and the exchange speculator) earns trillions of dollars on trade in currency every year! Almost all millionaires and billionaires in the world do so. It is one of the most strictly protected secrets of rich and famous people, banks and financial institutions, because it is the fastest way of creation of riches.

The basic essence of system’ s work is so, that you invest the money in any currency through the Internet, working with the help of the specialized software (each service, through which you work will give you free-of-charge)

free programm

also receive profit on increase or downturn of a rate of this currency in relation to another!

For example we have opened " the special bank bill " through the Internet and have begun to work in the market. At some time the quotations of currencies change less than on 1 % in the market, i.e. if we buy, for example, EURO on 100 $, it will be raised on 1 %, we sell, so we receive profit as 1 %, i.e. 1 $: (. But here one more mechanism of achievement of riches helps - " a credit shoulder ", "lever" or "laverange" [1:100], given by the company with which we work. Thus, buying this EURO on 100 $, (as a pledge) we receive automatically the short-term credit in 10.000 $. So, if in our example EURO has grown on 1 %, our profit will make already 100 $. Pressing a pair of keys we sell EURO, the credit automatically comes back, and we receive back our 100 $ (the pledge) and profit (100 $), which is enlisted instantly on our bill. So we have the profit 100 $ only for one considered transaction. Our profit makes not some dollars from resale of currency, but some hundreds dollars, which we have received due to use of the credit shoulder! In such way it is possible to earn from 20 $ up to 100 $ a day simply sitting at a computer. Take into account, that in the market always there is enough of currency and you can at any moment buy it or sell. It will not finish, as well as your profit!

Certainly, you would not believe me, if I say, that a loss does not happen in general - it happens of course, but to lose is very difficult. If you study the theory of a package, offered bonuses and materials (value of onlybonuses in the Internet is not less than 50 $), you will win with probability 70 - 80 %.

Well, this and many other things are described in a package QCSBS clearly and everything depends on you! Don’ t be afraid of the so-called " experts of the market ", who have erected trade in a rank of any abstraction, have overloaded her with theoretical constructions, analytical researches, beautiful words and emotions, have created a number of ostensible ideal models and have confused all up to such degree, that " the form had swallowed up the contents ". Such sensationis is, that because of the artificial created obstacles such quite usual business, as the trade, began to be perceived by all as something incredibly difficult and possible only for select company! Everyone thinks, that they should drive a head by maximum mathematics, any scientific researches, strain the intellectual abilities to receive profit. I consider, and not without reasons, that it is silly, that we try to describe our behaviour by the mathematical and physical laws, not giving importance to the essence. Be not afraid and try, in any case by me the price of a package QCSBS is equivalent to several useless disks or tickets to cinema, invest in your future!

About a package QCSBS

[ On the beginning ]

Summing up, I shall list the basic characteristics of a package QCSBS:

  • It is the SIMPLE, REAL and CHECKED UP SYSTEM of EARNINGS of REAL MONEY in the Internet. Using its huge potential, cunnings and mechanisms, you play an electronic stock exchange, invest money in currency or share. The main three things are a computer, Internet and your desire.

  • The system, in which is difficult to lose - due to huge quantity of tools assisting to you to accept only the correct decisions. All these services and the tools will increase probability of guessing of the tendency of the market, having made it not 70 % but 90 %. Less than 70 % can not be - well if only you never read the theory and work at random. Having studied the theory of a package QCSBS, you will understand, what and how to search in the Internet with the help of the well familiar search to raise constantly a professional level and to be in the first lines of this business!

  • The convenient system of reception of the profit of a package QCSBS allows with a click of the mouse to deduce the money in any bank, on the electronic bill, credit map or in any electronic payment system - Webmoney, E-Gold, PayPal... In any point of globe: USA, Russia, Ukraine, Canada, Australia, Zimbabwe...

  • The very clear system - my license package QCSBS contains huge quantity of the information, which will allow you to open and to use all secrets of electronic business. The package is completely in Russian, moreover in addition contains set additional bonuses and materials. The enterprising sellers usually "cut out" them from a package QCSBS and sell for separate money!

From often set questions:

Question: How much of initial capital investments do you need (except for expenses for a package)?

the minimal investments are necessary for earnings, to have free means is very good - for normal job it is necessary about 100 $. Then figure 1.500 $ per one month becomes real. But in my package there are services, where there are enough of minimal investments at a rate of only 2,5 $. This money at successful guessing of behaviour of the market can be doubled in one hour. Then the received 5 $ can be transformed in 10 $ etc. But for this purpose it is necessary to study the theory attentively and to pass training. Now it is high time to play a stock exchange, while all is predicted, especialy the behaviour EURO/dollar.

Question: And why are you engaged in distribution of a package, if all is well and you have such high profit?

I shall say - in the period since April till May, 2005, I earned 870 $ according to the theory of a package. It happened in view of ridiculous employment (maximum hour per day). They were again invested by me in the further job. The received income of sale of a package QCSBS I direct on experiments, and also in those services, where minimal investments are small. The experiments in case of good luck give the maximal prize, and in case of failure (there is also) the basic means which are taking place in job are not mentioned. It is very effectively to open something new for yourself, and is reluctant to allocate from the current bargains (and is incorrectly, it is necessary to be consecutive) - means from distribution of a packageare exactly what I need.

How to get a package QCSBS

[ On the beginning ]

You can pay purchase through system Webmoney.
You should transfer 5$ to a purse Z403327213050.
Specifya key word "QCSBS" and email to transfer in the field "Note".
Within a day I shall send on your email the letter with the references, with the help of which you can download a package.
I do not know how to prove, that I’ m the honour seller (I myself was deceived many times) …
In any case, if something does not arrange, write, it is always possible to reach agreement

By the way, read about the additional information to a package QCSBS without fail, before taking the decision. . It will help you to increase your profit IN SOME TIMES!!! The package in the extended configuration costs 7$.

The special offer will increase profit up to 300 % (plus pack QCSBS)

  • Having paid not 5 $ but 7 $ on the same purse Webmoney you will receive from me two special reports on Russian resources QCSBS, (are made in October, 2004, in Russian), which contain the detailed information to addresses, where it is possible to open "bills", reference to information resources, docks and books. All this in Runet! Only useful and urgent documents! In addition to this you will receive some manuals about the effective job in the market. This information does not contain in a package, it is not taken therefrom, is the absolutely new and urgent document! If you want to deal with QCSBS seriously, you should get plus pack QCSBS without fail.

  • In addition to special report you will receive free-of-charge Russian business - package " Trade strategy on international currency market ", which will add the theory of a package QCSBS perfectly, will help you to earn even more! This package is made out as HTML-pages with convenient navigation and occupies more than 600 Kb - all Runet sells it separately (by the way, not less than for 20 $), and you will receive it as the free-of-charge supplement to a package QCSBS!

Attention! The prices are valid only till September 31, 2005.

Download free-of-charge

[ On the beginning ]

Here I laid out some books about the Internet - Traiding, which you can download COMPLETELY FREE-OF-CHARGE. They become good addition to a package QCSBS.

  • Download (2 522 Kb) " the Japanese candles: the graphic analysis of the financial markets " Steve Ninson
  • Download (281 Kb) " The day in trade in the market FOREX " Yuriy Zhvalyuk
  • Download (38 Kb) " Day-trading and day-traders " Evgeniy Solomatin
  • Download (1 562 Kb) " The Textbook on daytrading " Borselino Lewis

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